Who we are

We are building a National Science Data Fabric (NSDF) and introducing a novel trans-disciplinary approach for integrated data delivery and access to shared storage, networking, computing, and educational resources that will democratize data-driven scientific discovery.

Intellectual Merit

The NSDF pilot connects an open network of institutions, including minority serving institutions, by deploying a federated data fabric testbed configurable for individual and shared scientific use. The NSDF pilot offers a shared, modular, containerized data delivery environment. Operating at the best economies of scale, the NSDF pilot demonstrates a key technology to fill the missing middle in our current computational infrastructure. The NSDF pilot builds a shared resource for equity in data access across a diversity of disciplines, institutions, and people. The NSDF pilot embraces the motto of the Minority Serving Cyberinfrastructure Consortium (MS-CC) of accomplishing together what we cannot do separately. The NSDF pilot connects data sources with compute and networking components through a software stack that democratizes data delivery and empowers end users with scalable, easy-to-use, integrated, and extendable tools.

Broader Impacts

The NSDF pilot provides a platform and a model for equity in access to data and CI resources for a broad class of disciplines including materials sciences, earth sciences, comparative connectomics, astronomy, social sciences, biology, chemistry, medicine, physics, and economics. The NSDF testbed directly enables fast-paced design and testing of new materials benefiting society at large in critical fields such as energy, security, environment, and healthcare.

IceCube and XenonNT

The NSDF pilot supports the IceCube neutrino observatory and the XenonNT dark matter detector advances the understanding of the evolution of galaxies and the nature of “dark matter” and “dark energy”.

Our VISION of Data Democratization

The NSDF vision is to establish a globally connected infrastructure in which scientific investigation is unhindered by the limitations of extreme data. With a democratized data access framework, even scientists using massive experimental and simulation data will not be distracted from scientific discovery, training activities, or dissemination of scientific findings in society.

NSDF MISSION of Data Democratization

The NSDF mission is to democratize access to large-scale scientific data by developing production-grade scalable solutions to data storage, movement, and processing that can be deployed on commodity hardware, cloud computing, and HPC resources. NSDF will make software tools easy to use for scientists and easy to customize for the need of specific application domains. NSDF will facilitate training opportunities for current and future generations of scientists, including those having access only to resource-constrained environments.

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 2138811.

Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

Copyright © 2024 National Science Data Fabric