The third National Science Data Fabric (NSDF) in-person meeting held in San Diego, California on April 12-13.

University of California, San Diego
San Diego Supercomputer Center
10100 Hopkins Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093


Keynote Speaker: Maria Elena Monzani, Stanford U.

Title: Data-Intensive search for Dark Matter with the LUX-ZEPLIN experiment


The nature and origin of dark matter are among the most compelling mysteries of contemporary science. There is strong evidence for dark matter from its role in shaping the galaxies and galaxy clusters that we observe in the universe. Still, physicists have tried to detect dark matter particles for over three decades with little success.

This talk will describe the leading effort in that search, the LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) detector. LZ is an instrument that is superlative in many ways. It consists of 10 tons of liquified xenon gas, maintained at almost atomic purity and stored in a refrigerated titanium cylinder a mile underground in a former gold mine in Lead, South Dakota.

​During its science run, LZ is projected to accumulate a massive dataset of many petabytes of data and record several billions of particle interactions, only a handful of which might be produced by potential dark matter candidates (if nature cooperates). Identifying the dark matter signals in this amassment of data represents an extreme “needle in a haystack” problem and requires leveraging advanced detector design and state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms. The talk will present challenges in constructing this large-scale underground experiment and interpreting its data, along with the prospects LZ presents for finally discovering the dark matter particle and recently released results from its initial search for new physics.


Maria Elena Monzani is a dark matter data wrangler. Her research field is Astroparticle physics, which focuses on topics at the intersection between particle physics and astrophysics/cosmology, using the tools of data-intensive science. She received a dual Ph.D. from the University of Milano and the University of Paris 7, performing research with the Borexino experiment that measured neutrinos produced by the Sun. She then held a postdoctoral position at Columbia University before joining SLAC in 2007 to work on the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope. Today, Monzani is a lead scientist at SLAC and a senior Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology member at Stanford. She leads the software computing effort for the LZ Dark Matter Experiment and the science operations team for the Fermi satellite. She is also an Adjunct Scholar at the Vatican Observatory and enjoys discussing the shared philosophical foundations of scientific and religious endeavors.


Wed April 12

Session 1 - Welcome, Vision, and Keynote (Session Chair: Michela Taufer)

U Utah Valerio Pascucci
The state of NSDF
UCSD Frank Wuerthwein
Updates on NRP
Stanford U. Maria Elena Monzani
Data-Intensive search for Dark Matter with the LUX-ZEPLIN experiment

Session 2 (Session Chair: Valerio Pascucci)

Alluxio Shouwei Chen
How to Bring Data Locality to I/O-intensive Workloads on Cloud
U Utah Aashish Panta
Testing Compressions with OpenVisus
SEAL Storage Sal Malik
Web3 in the Real World: Decentralized Cloud Storage Use Cases
Alluxio Bin Fan
Efficient Data Access and Migration Across Clouds
DOI Kenton Langstroth
Filecoin for researchers
UCSD Karen Stocks
R2R Challenges managing large data from the US Academic Research Fleet

Session 3 (Session Chair: Ivan Rodero)

U Hawaii Sean Cleveland
Needs for pacific regional CI
UCSD Amarnath Gupta
A Data Fabric For Social Good?
LLNL Peer-Timo Bremer
Distributed Data Access in the National Security Complex
U Chicago Kyle
Linking scientific instruments and computation: Patterns, technologies, and experiences
UCSD,OSG Fabio Andrijauskas
Open Science Data Federation
NCSA Luigi Marini
Clowder: Open Source, Customizable, Data and Workflow Management

Session 4 (Session Chair: Christine Kirkpatrick)

U Utah Attila Gyulassy
Community Feedback on Data Worflows
U Utah Ivan Rodero
NSDF Authentication and Authorization Infrastructure
Sandia National Labs Jay Lofstead
Metadata Management to Aid Data Discovery
U Utah Giorgio Scorzelli
Updates on the NSDF OpenVisus
UTK Heberth Martinez
Monitoring Latency and Throughput across Distributed Resources in NSDF
UTK Jakob Luettgau
Updates on the NSDF Catalog

NSDF Dinner

Thursday April 13

Session 5 (Session Chair: Glenn Tarcea)

UCSD Michael Corn
Framing Research Security and a discussion of risk identification
Utah State U. Steve Petruzza
Portability of applications to heterogeneous systems and exascale systems
SDSC/UC San Diego Christine Kirkpatrick
Tailoring the National Science Data Fabric to Open Science & FAIR Aims
Morgridge Brian Bockelman
Kingfisher: Storage Management for Data Federations
Ronin Institute Douglas Fils
Leveraging Structured Data on the Web to address FAIR Principles

Session 6 (Session Chair: Jakob Luettgau)

NVIDIA Pavol Klacansky
Building a large scale community data portal with commodity hardware
U Utah Owen Koppe
The NSDF-Data-Portal
UTK Paula Olaya
Composing Scientific Workflows in the Cloud at Large Scale
U Michigan Glenn Tarcea
Materials Commons Updates and Thinking Big By Thinking Small
Cornell, CHESS Devin Bougie
The CHESS - NSDF Collaboration: Updates
Hawaii Curt Dodds
Everything, Everywhere All at Once, All the Time - Challenges for Astronomy


The NSDF AHM will not have a dedicated room block; however, there are a number of hotels near the SDSC.


There are many hotel options surrounding UC San Diego and SDSC. The few listed below are located just off campus and may offer a university rate. Be sure to ask if a “UCSD Rate” is available when contacting the hotel. An extended list of hotels can be found on the SDSC Visitor page.


SDSC is located on the UC San Diego Campus in La Jolla.

San Diego Supercomputer Center’s Auditorium E-B212 located on the ground floor of SDSC’s east entrance, just off the driveway on Hopkins Dr, close to the Hopkins Parking Structure, Northwest end of UC San Diego campus.

Google maps exact location

The San Diego International Airport (SAN) is the closest airport to UC San Diego and SDSC.

For driving directions see the visitors page on the SDSC website



  • Visiting UC faculty and staff who hold annual permits at their home campuses are eligible for up to 5 consecutive days of complimentary parking at UC San Diego. Visit this link for more details.
  • For non-UC visitors, please see more details here. Purchase permits at a very reasonable rate.
  • The most convenient parking location is the Hopkins parking structure located on Hopkins Dr and Voigt Dr, just south of SDSC.
  • Parking legally is the attendee’s responsibility. The penalty for an improperly parked car is at least $65 per day. We cannot be held responsible for citations issued for parking in an incorrect space or improperly displaying your permit.

For cab or shuttle Pick-up/Drop-off: 10100 Hopkins Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093

SDSC is located just south of the RIMAC Arena.

Rideshare: Lyft or Uber Use “San Diego Supercomputer Center” as destination.

A taxi or transportation service can be used from the airport. Helpful link for taxi service in San Diego:

Public Transportation surrounding UC San Diego

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 2138811.

Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

Copyright © 2024 National Science Data Fabric